FREE WEBINAR: Mastering Your Mediumship Confidence  


Learn to increase your mediumship skills and confidence, surround your self with a like-minded group that is open  to deepen your trust with spirit.

Register here


During this hour-long webinar...

Strengthen your Mediumship Skills as a Beginner or Expert

Go deeper with Lindsay as she walks you through different practices to help increase your Mediumship skills to  gain confidence. 

Learn the Mindset Secrets Behind Being an Impactful Medium 

Overcome any mental blocks currently holding you back from deepening your Mediumship development, with Tony.

Surround yourself with a supportive community

The psychic and mediumship community isn't always welcomed with open arms. That's why, this webinar was created. To allow for our unique gifts to be embraced without judgment and to give a space to connect with like-minded people.

Register for our Webinar that's happening over Zoom on June 20, 2024 from 7-8PM EST.  Next, check your email for the details.

Register Here

Your Teachers:

Psychic Medium Lindsay Marino-Mitchell & Mindset Coach Tony Mitchell 

We are former Educators in the school system and we've been working with Psychic Mediums from beginners to experts, from all around the world. We've found that no matter what level or geological location, similar patterns pop up. We notice the patterns that create confidence in your Mediumship and patterns that have stopped students from making progress. We believe everyone has the potential to be an impactful Medium, but you have to put in the practice and the work. 

As a Psychic Medium & Mentor, I understand the keys to helping students develop their Mediumship skills so that they develop confidence.  ~Lindsay

As a coach, it's my passion to help my students push past their limiting beliefs to master their connection to Spirit ~Tony

"Lindsay's exercises where unique and brought me to a deeper place with my Mediumship. My favorite part is getting in touch with my Spirit Guides and deepening my skills and my practice. It’s built my confidence and I feel very validated."

Susan Ferraro

"Tony, I feel like we’ve known each other for years. He’s trusting, supportive, offers practical advice and creates a safe, nurturing space. Tony truly has a gift of helping to channel your energy. I was vibrating with energy the whole day of the call and was inspired to take action! Thank you, Tony. You are truly a gift."

Marie Blough Arlen